Phone: (262) 569-7351
I have worked many places, but as long as I can remember before that, I have always been interested in logos — from an ecology flag sticker I remember in my crib as an infant, to coats-of-arms family crests I would see in genealogy books. I also have always loved sports, particularly baseball (although since I'm an art guy and heavy computer-user, I don't play as much as I should). Back in elementary school, long ago, my interest in art and logos combined with my interest in sports. I remember that on my orange school folder, I copied all the baseball team logos. Then, I’d show the folder to all of my friends who would then “order” copies of ones they wanted to buy. I charged 5 cents for some, perhaps 10-25 cents if they were more difficult to draw. Eventually, I did 4 versions of that folder, expanding to include football, basketball, hockey logos and even a special “oldies” section.
About the ANMAN Color Palette
Green - represents wealth and prosperity I can help you attain with projects.
Orange (my favorite color) - represents my sunny disposition (and sense of humor).
251 East Riverwood Drive
Oconomowoc, Wisconsin 53066